Shaping a globally integrated platform around customers, partners, and organizational culture.
Underleveraged commercial and consumer banking resources
Commoditization of banking products
Lack of entrepreneurship
No standard way of generating and advancing innovative ideas
Slow to scale enterprise opportunities
Shaped a globally integrated platform centered around customers, partners and organization culture
Innovation assessments, senior team alignment sessions
Designed and built out the capability and related assets associated with a global and regional set of innovation hubs
Incubation efforts centered around research activities, portfolio management, grants
Teach-do innovation methodology to support Asia, European and US innovation initiatives
Focused research efforts on emerging technologies and disruptive consumer and business trends, e.g. new business models – such Bots and Machine Agents, or IoT and Machine Economies
Business partners across the enterprise driving consumer insights and accelerating global and regional initiatives
Global and Regional Labs including connections to universities that generated $25 million in grant aid money for research