for preparation of industrial feasibility study zip
SNG has a large potential market: essentially any application that currently uses natural gas could use SNG. In particular, gasification can be used on-site for industrial applications to produce SNG (and electricity, if necessary), allowing continued operation of natural gas equipment but from a coal source. The Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration (DOE/EIA) reports in the Annual Energy Outlook 2012 that in 2010, United States industrial use of natural gas was about 27% of the total domestic consumption, a significant fraction of total NG usage. A 2007 NETL study [ZIP] looked at the feasibility of on-site gasifiers in industrial facilities for the production of SNG and found that many industrial sites could benefit from the use of relatively small gasifier systems to produce SNG, power, H2, or syngas. For example, an interesting case to consider in this context is the glass industry. Currently the glass industry is heavily dependent on a reliable supply of natu